Drum Castle

Renovations to 11th Century Tower
Completed 2014
Client - National Trust for Scotland

Drum Castle is the oldest property in the care of the NTS, with the tower thought to date from the 11th Century.  A Jacobean mansion house sits to the south of the tower, and internally a library was added to the tower in Victorian times, housing 4000 books on tall mahogany bookcases.  From the early 2000’s the tower itself was suffering from internal dampness.  The application of cement pointing in the 1980’s had prevented the walls from breathing, trapping moisture inside and affecting the books in the library.  KSA carried out a condition survey of Drum Castle in 2008, which led to a major project of repairs to the building.  The tower and parapets were re-pointed with lime mortar, the rainwater goods re-configured and the cap house roof re-roofed in copper.  These works have prevented further degradation of the tower at Drum Castle and ensured the longevity of this historic element.